A difusão de novas tecnologias de mensuração e dados do relevo como apoio ao ensino da representação topográfica

Anais XIII Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto, Florianópolis, Brasil, 21-26 abril 2007, INPE, p. 1473-1479. – Ano 2007

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Abstract (english text)

The objective of this paper is the diffusion of computer techniques, through software the gives support to Geographic Information System, dealing with Digital Elevation Modeling. Methods and routines where studied in the software Spring/INPE, ArcView and MicroStation (Geoterrain), that were used as instruments in the process of building the MDEs. The diffusion consists in the publication of folders on the World Wide Web, which can be downloaded, presenting the routines of construction of the digital elevation models. Furthermore, there are also digital movies that show the creation process and describe the steps as a way to promote to self-instruction and distance education.

Autores do laboratório

  • Prof. Ana Clara Mourão Moura
    Prof. Ana Clara Mourão Moura
  • Prof. Bráulio Magalhães Fonseca
    Prof. Bráulio Magalhães Fonseca
    Professor e Pesquisador Geodesign
  • Grazielle Anjos Carvalho
    Grazielle Anjos Carvalho
    Ex-aluna de Doutorado
  • Vladimir Diniz Vieira Ramos
    Vladimir Diniz Vieira Ramos
    Ex-Colaborador Proj Ministério Cidades