Geoprocessamento e análise multicriterial: subsídios ao incremento da biodiversidade na área de proteção ambiental Morro da Pedreira – Serra do Cipó/MG – uma revisão teórica
Recife, UFPE, II Simpósio Brasileiro de Ciências Geodésicas e Tecnologias da Geoinformação. 8-11 de set 2008, p. 1 a 4. – Ano 2008
Autores desta publicação
- NASCIMENTO, Jaqueline Serafim
- MOURA, Ana Clara M. – Prof. Ana Clara Mourão Moura - COORDENADORA
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Abstract (english text)
This article discusses the question of maintenance of ecosystems, in a context of fragmentation using the concepts coming from of the Landscape Ecology and Conservation Biology. The discussion includes the theoretical review of the master's dissertation entitled "Study of the landscape ecology and conservation biology as the basis for the development and monitoring of strategies for conservation in the Serra do Cipó – Morro da Pedreira Environmental Protection area -MG / Brazil." The review of theoretical study aims to stress the importance of maintaining and enhancing biodiversity, the junction between the disciplines mentioned above, and legally protected areas, aiming at the promotion of connectivity and gene flow in different environments and ecosystems fragmented, supported by geographical information systems.
The allowance for the definitions of a design ideal of conservation is in geographical information systems, various shaped and tools able to draw on various scenarios that meet conservation and biological perspectives, able to increase and preservation of biodiversity, with the challenge the fragmentation of ecosystems , in a scenario of increasing human pressure.