Áreas de preservação permanente (APP) - estudo de caso sobre o parâmetro declividade e as divergências nos resultados de mapeamento em função das bases cartográficas e escalas e/ou softwares utilizado
XIV SBSR Seminário Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto 2009, 2009, Natal. Anais do XIV SBSR Seminário Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto 2009 . São José dos Campos: Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas Espaciais, 2009. p.3697 – 3704 – Ano 2009
Autores desta publicação
- COTA, Maísa de A.
- MOURA, Ana Clara M. – Prof. Ana Clara Mourão Moura - COORDENADORA
Resumo da publicação
(não disponível)
Abstract (english text)
The current study discusses permanent preservation areas – APPs and CONAMA resolutions no 302/2002, 303/2002 and 369/2006. The doubts and the conflicts that came up when applying the two first CONAMA resolutions no 302/2002 and 303/2002 concerned about the legal protection of the APPs; they had new orientation with the resolution no 369/2006. The data used comes from IBGE topography and hydrography associated with the usage classes and the soil coverage obtained from Landsat images. In addition to that, topography data taken from the Shuttle Radar Topography Mission (SRTM) were utilized with the usage classes and the soil coverage obtained from the visual interpretation of the Ikonos image. It must be highlighted that the studies presented here are limited to what can be obtained through direct work on the cartographic basis (streams or watercourses, springs, slopes, hill tops and mountains). Due to the results obtained and the differences found, IBGE data (1:100.000) and SRTM (90 meter resolution) are not considered feasible to delimit the APPs. A case study visually confirmed that the declivities calculus in the same area, with different scale data base, shows divergent results.