Detecção de mudanças da cobertura e uso da terra no município de Ouro Preto - MG, no período de 1989 a 2010.
Anais XV Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto - SBSR, Curitiba, PR, Brasil, 30 de abril a 05 de maio de 2011, INPE. p.6501-6508. – Ano 2011
Autores desta publicação
- Silva, Jairo
- MOURA, Ana Clara M. – Prof. Ana Clara Mourão Moura - COORDENADORA
- Gleriani, José Marinalvo
- Souza, Waleska
- Magalhães, Lucas.
Resumo da publicação
(não disponível)
Abstract (english text)
Temporal analysis of land use and occupation changes permits to understand the processes that are occurring and make a prognosis of future trends. The study aimed to evaluate the changes in use and land cover in the city of Ouro Preto-MG from TM / Landsat 5 . For the representation of the two scenarios were used the images 15/07/1989, 22/07/1989, 06/05/2010 and 13/05/2010. The geometric correction and atmospheric attenuation were done for each image, mosaics of images for the years 1989 and 2010 were built, the edge of the city of Ouro Preto was clipped from the municipal grid digital IBGE 2007. From this information, it was preceded to the automatic classification of images by determining the 5 classes of predominate uses: anthropic areas, sparse vegetation, dense vegetation, water and shade. The comparative analysis between the classified images shows that the dense vegetation class had a small reduction of 570 km 2 (45.78%) in 1989 to 561 km 2 (45.06%) in 2010, the sparse vegetation showed a large increase from 394 km 2 (31.65%) in 1989 rising to 539 km 2 (43.29%) in 2010, while class impacted area showed a large drop, had 256 km 2 (20.56%) in 1989 rising to 123 km 2 (9.88%) in 2010, and the classes water and shade were maintained with minor modifications. It was concluded that the disturbed area is in the process of regeneration and / or use for agriculture, which contributes to soil conservation.