Learning topics in urban planning at UFMG: geoprocessing to support analysis, planning and proposal of the urban landscape at neighborhood scale
Anais do 5th International Seminar on Environmental Planning and Management 2012 p. 1-15 Brasília: Urbenviron e UnB – Ano 2012
Autores desta publicação
- MOURA, Ana Clara M. – Prof. Ana Clara Mourão Moura - COORDENADORA
Resumo da publicação
(não disponível)
Abstract (english text)
Reports the experience of training students in the use of geo-technologies to support the analysis, planning and proposal of the urban landscape at neighborhood scale. Students learned about how to apply spatial analysis models, particularly Multi-Criteria Analysis for identification of potential, vocations and conflicts of interest in land use. They built Decision Tree for structuring Environmental Interest Synthesis, Expansion Interest and Urban Density Synthesis, and Conflicts of interest Synthesis. The three-dimensional representation of the territory was used to support the proposed zoning and urban parameters indicated by the students to conform the designed landscape. For the Urbanist and Architects under formation, our expectation is that they will act in a more conscious manner when creating their projects, undertaking predictive studies on the landscape, since, only then, they are fully able to understand the consequences of the intervention on urban spaces.