Multi-criteria analysis for requalification of Belo Horizonte 's hipercenter: geoprocessing in arquitectural and urban interventions
Anais do 5th International Seminar on Environmental Planning and Management 2012 p.1-15 Brasília: Urbenviron e UnB – Ano 2012
Autores desta publicação
- FANTECELLE, M. B. – Mariana Bubantz Fantecelle - Ex-Bolsista Projeto Ministério Cidades
- JACOME, R. C. G. – Rita de Cássia Gouveia Jácome - Ex-Bolsista Projeto Ministério Cidades
Resumo da publicação
(não disponível)
Abstract (english text)
This paper discusses a proposal of spatial analysis applied to urban areas using Geoprocessing, when characterizing interest areas for requalification interventions in a local scale. The case study of Belo Horizonte’s hyper-center consisted on the identification and selection of areas greatly suited for architectural, landscaping and urban interventions, regarding effects of outcome’s irradiation. The region is presently going through processes of residential decline and commerce intensification, which generate dead spaces at nighttime, leading to vandalism and safety issues. This work is referenced in studies regarding multiple space use benefiting different and juxtaposed users using different timetables of urban environments. Using Geographic Information System and multi-criteria analysis, the goal was to identify areas which, due to their use and occupations, could benefit from building extensive alterations and, therefore, influence towards
urban transformation.