SIG na estruturação de sistemas de documentação integrados para gestão de patrimônio histórico com ênfase em rochas ornamentais
Disegnarecon - UNIBO. – Ano 2012
Autores desta publicação
- MOURA, Ana Clara M. – Prof. Ana Clara Mourão Moura - COORDENADORA
- MOURA, Marcela. M.
- COSTA, Gilberto
- ANDRADE, Mônica Martins
- SANTOS, Lucas Saliba – Lucas Saliba Santos - Ex-Aluno de Mestrado
Resumo da publicação
(não disponível)
Como citar:
Moura, Ana Clara M.; Moura, Marcela M.; Costa, Gilberto; Andrade, Mônica M.; Santos, Lucas S. 2012. SIG na estruturação de sistemas de documentação integrados para gestão de patrimônio histórico com ênfase em rochas ornamentais. DisegnareCon,numero speciale, DoCo 2012 – Documentazione e Conservazione del Patrimonio Architettonico ed Urbano. p. 73-80.
Abstract (english text)
The study of the conservation status of ornamental stones used in monuments encompasses a wide variety of data. Effective control over the decorative stone elements of buildings should be based on mapping their petrographic characteristics, usage, identification of damages and agents of decay they are exposed. This paper analyzes a case study of nineteenth-century building, located in the city of Serro, Minas Gerais, Brazil. This city was an important cultural center and the first city listed by the Brazilian Institute of National Historical and Artistic Heritage in 1938. The building, called Chácara do Barão do Serro, belonged to a dealer in diamonds and features exquisite work in stone. The monitoring of the state of deterioration of the buildings contains geo-referenced data and properties from various areas of knowledge, resulting in a complex system, in four scales: territorial, local, object and microscopic. Aiming to ensure accessibility and interpretation of data, a GIS was structured to register mapping and properties of elements. It was intended to show the benefits of using GIS in the control of the deterioration status of the rocks used in monuments and propose methodology to support management of public heritage, which will allow an integrated approach of the characteristics, usage and preservation conditions of the stone elements present in monumental buildings. The use of GIS has given flexibility to diagnose the state of deterioration, which can be used to select aspects that deserve greater attention from public authorities. Further, the presentation of results in maps improves communication between the various sectors involved.