Urban planning in sub-basins according to hydrological modeling processes supported by Geoprocessing
Anais do 5th International Seminar on Environmental Planning and Management 2012 p.1-15 Brasília: Urbenviron e UnB – Ano 2012
Autores desta publicação
- MARTINS, Rone – Rone Martins - Ex-Bolsista Projeto Ministério Cidades
- MOURA, Ana Clara M. – Prof. Ana Clara Mourão Moura - COORDENADORA
- FRANÇA, Vitor C. – Vitor de Castro França - Ex-Bolsista Projeto Ministério Cidades
Resumo da publicação
(não disponível)
Abstract (english text)
In Brazil the Statute of the City law guarantees the appreciation of landscape concept and highlights the importance of preservation of environmental values. The work aims to support the application of sub-basins territorial units in urban planning. It defends the use of GIS tools to facilitate the introduction of these concepts and to have a three-dimensional view for decision-making by overlapping variable components and promote a better understanding of territorial complexity. In a case study it ́s demonstrated how to get free data by Digital Elevation Model of ASTER images to built the hydrological model and generate different levels of sub-basins and the river channels. The water pathway was modeled by accumulation grid which allows to respond, for example, in cases of dispersed pollutant in a territory and its diffusion in space, and helps the environmental planning of antropic occupation of the territory.