Use of GIS in environmental and territorial management of Bom Sucesso -MG: public data at characterization of landscape
Anais do 5th International Seminar on Environmental Planning and Management 2012 p.1-15 Brasília: Urbenviron e UnB – Ano 2012
Autores desta publicação
- MOURA, Ana Clara M. – Prof. Ana Clara Mourão Moura - COORDENADORA
- NOGUEIRA, Thaisa D. A. – Thaisa Daniele Apóstolo Nogueira - Ex-Bolsista Projeto Ministério Cidades
Resumo da publicação
The article reports an application of spatial data analysis procedures for the municipality of Bom Sucesso, located in the state of Minas Gerais, Southeast Brazil. This method is supported by geoprocessing tools and it is an assay applicable to other municipalities. The used spatial and alphanumeric data compose a Geographic Information
System (GIS) which have been produced during the Training Program from the Brazilian Ministry of Cities and offered by the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). The Program’s goal is instrumentalize in capture, storage and analysis of a public domain spatial data, which is handled in free software. This specific work for Bom Sucesso shows some results from the Training Program and, in addition, it aims to base the municipal decision making for the land planning and management, in order to ensure a sustainable development.
Abstract (english text)
The article reports an application of spatial data analysis procedures for the municipality of Bom Sucesso, located in the state of Minas Gerais, Southeast Brazil. This method is supported by geoprocessing tools and it is an assay applicable to other municipalities. The used spatial and alphanumeric data compose a Geographic Information System (GIS) which have been produced during the Training Program from the Brazilian Ministry of Cities and offered by the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG). The Program’s goal is instrumentalize in capture, storage and analysis of a public domain spatial data, which is handled in free software. This specific work for Bom Sucesso shows some results from the Training Program and, in addition, it aims to base the municipal decision making for the land planning and management, in order to ensure a sustainable development.