O uso das ferramentas do Sistema de Informações Geográficas (SIG) no apoio ao processo de inventário dos bens do patrimônio cultural
XVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto - SBSR – Ano 2013
Autores desta publicação
- Filgueiras, Nayara Lins – Nayara Lins Filgueiras - Colaboradora Projeto Geodesign
- JÁCOME, Rita de Cássia Gouveia – Rita de Cássia Gouveia Jácome - Ex-Bolsista Projeto Ministério Cidades
- MARTINS, Rone – Rone Martins - Ex-Bolsista Projeto Ministério Cidades
- MOURA, Ana Clara M. – Prof. Ana Clara Mourão Moura - COORDENADORA
Resumo da publicação
The formulated article aims to demonstrate how Geographic Information System (GIS) contribute as an important tool in the elaboration process of patrimony's inventory list. This paper has the Architecture School of Minas Gerais' Federal University (EA-UFMG) as case of study. Located in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil; EA-UFMG is a relevant reference to the city's memory as it incorporates an outstanding cultural value by your modernist architectural attributes and so, by your contribution to the urban image construction. Recognized as cultural heritage, the edification chosen for case of study, is protected by the Deliberative Cultural Heritage Council of Belo Horizonte (CDPCM-BH). The elaboration of a patrimony's inventory list is an intricate and detailed task, which demands a specific and deep research of all components that constitute the protected patrimony. Using GIS to elaborate the referred task, by integrating cartographic and alphanumeric data base to an object, results in a substantial, nimble and accessible information record. Not only the data set mapping of the Architecture School's elements, it's comprehension and analysis was allowed by the use of ArcGIS, but employing it also provided possibility to observe such objects according to their time change-over. The case of study foments a further skilled process to elaborate patimony's inventory list and, also, stimulates a broad interaction among the several envolved sectors. As a valuable result, the data set compilation having GIS as work tool provides rich information that can be used supporting govermental management's heritage and improving the comunicattion range for the patrimony's promotion.
Abstract (english text)
The formulated article aims to demonstrate how Geographic Information System (GIS) contribute as an important tool in the elaboration process of patrimony's inventory list. This paper has the Architecture School of Minas Gerais' Federal University (EA-UFMG) as case of study. Located in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil; EA-UFMG is a relevant reference to the city's memory as it incorporates an outstanding cultural value by your modernist architectural attributes and so, by your contribution to the urban image construction. Recognized as cultural heritage, the edification chosen for case of study, is protected by the Deliberative Cultural Heritage Council of Belo Horizonte (CDPCM-BH). The elaboration of a patrimony's inventory list is an intricate and detailed task, which demands a specific and deep research of all components that constitute the protected patrimony. Using GIS to elaborate the referred task, by integrating cartographic and alphanumeric data base to an object, results in a substantial, nimble and accessible information record. Not only the data set mapping of the Architecture School's elements, it's comprehension and analysis was allowed by the use of ArcGIS, but employing it also provided possibility to observe such objects according to their time change-over. The case of study foments a further skilled process to elaborate patimony's inventory list and, also, stimulates a broad interaction among the several envolved sectors. As a valuable result, the data set compilation having GIS as work tool provides rich information that can be used supporting govermental management's heritage and improving the comunicattion range for the patrimony's promotion.