Tools to decision making in conflicts of interests on metropolitan and local scale: the role of the geo-technologies based on GIS and Parametric Modeling of Territory Occupation
International Conference on “Changing Cities - Greece – Ano 2013
Autores desta publicação
- MOURA, Ana Clara M. – Prof. Ana Clara Mourão Moura - COORDENADORA
Resumo da publicação
It presents discussion on new trends in the planning of complex urban areas. It defends the role of geo-technologies, GIS and the Parametric Modeling of Territorial Occupation, as instruments of great efficiency in decision making. Argues that the territorial changes in urban scale occur in two ways: by urban surgeries and by parameterization of the occupation. Presents a methodological proposal to act in regional scale and in local scale, based on GIS and modeling, to characterize a context and simulate a local reality. It argues about the importance of investing in visualization in
order to promote wider involvement of the society. It discusses how to act on conflicts of interest.
MOURA, Ana Clara M. Tools to decision making in conflicts of interests on metropolitan and local scale: the role of the geo- technologies based on GIS and Parametric Modeling of Territory Occupation. In.: Changing Cities: Spatial, morphological, formal & socio-economic dimensions, 2013, Skiathos. Proceedings of the International Conference on “Changing Cities“: Spatial, morphological, formal & socio-economic dimensions. Thessaly: Grafima Publications, Department of Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly, 2013. p. 619-628.
Abstract (english text)
It presents discussion on new trends in the planning of complex urban areas. It defends the role of geo-technologies, GIS and the Parametric Modeling of Territorial Occupation, as instruments of great efficiency in decision making. Argues that the territorial changes in urban scale occur in two ways: by urban surgeries and by parameterization of the occupation. Presents a methodological proposal to act in regional scale and in local scale, based on GIS and modeling, to characterize a context and simulate a local reality. It argues about the importance of investing in visualization in
order to promote wider involvement of the society. It discusses how to act on conflicts of interest.