Uso de imagens RapidEye como apoio à tomada de decisões no planejamento e gestão da paisagem do município de Bom Sucesso - MG

XVI Simpósio Brasileiro de Sensoriamento Remoto - SBSR – Ano 2013

Autores desta publicação

  • Ribeiro, Suellen R. – Suellen Roquete Ribeiro - Pesquisadora Convidada
  • Resende, Maísa Silveira
  • Sepúlveda, Cláudia Ladeia
  • MOURA, Ana Clara M. – Prof. Ana Clara Mourão Moura - COORDENADORA
  • Palavras-chave: RapidEye, imagens de satélite, uso e cobertura do solo

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Resumo da publicação

This paper presents a pilot case study in the municipality of Bom Sucesso in Minas Gerais, Brazil. It is an application of geoprocessing, more specifically the usage of RapidEye satellite images, in the landscape
planning and management. Through the landscape recognition this study enables to aid the municipal decisionmaking process. The RapidEye images is a part of a Geographic Information System (GIS) which was produced
for Bom Sucesso with a view to identify environmental protection areas as well as interesting areas for urban
expansion. Once the environmental and urban interests are identified, they are combined in order to recognize
vocations and consequent conflicts from occupation of the land. Those images were used because its satellites
system has distinguished features, such as the coverage of extensive areas, high resolution and multispectral
capabilities, besides, their images are free. Such features offer a new remote sensing way with an application in several areas of territorial planning. The RapidEye images classification is mainly approached in order to identify areas with exposed soil, urban occupation, watercourses and vegetation cover at different levels by combination of the images’ colors layer. Through the classification it is possible obtaining distinguished results and aspects that allow the identification of risk areas which must be protected. Furthermore it is possible monitoring the vegetated areas. By these means, we expect to contribute towards a sustainable urban development.

Abstract (english text)

This paper presents a pilot case study in the municipality of Bom Sucesso in Minas Gerais, Brazil. It is an application of geoprocessing, more specifically the usage of RapidEye satellite images, in the landscape
planning and management. Through the landscape recognition this study enables to aid the municipal decisionmaking process. The RapidEye images is a part of a Geographic Information System (GIS) which was produced
for Bom Sucesso with a view to identify environmental protection areas as well as interesting areas for urban
expansion. Once the environmental and urban interests are identified, they are combined in order to recognize
vocations and consequent conflicts from occupation of the land. Those images were used because its satellites
system has distinguished features, such as the coverage of extensive areas, high resolution and multispectral
capabilities, besides, their images are free. Such features offer a new remote sensing way with an application in several areas of territorial planning. The RapidEye images classification is mainly approached in order to identify areas with exposed soil, urban occupation, watercourses and vegetation cover at different levels by combination of the images’ colors layer. Through the classification it is possible obtaining distinguished results and aspects that allow the identification of risk areas which must be protected. Furthermore it is possible monitoring the vegetated areas. By these means, we expect to contribute towards a sustainable urban development.

Autores do laboratório

  • Prof. Ana Clara Mourão Moura
    Prof. Ana Clara Mourão Moura
  • Suellen Roquete Ribeiro
    Suellen Roquete Ribeiro
    Pesquisadora Convidada