Crowdsourced information from Tweets during the WorldCup in Brazil: A theme search
Proceedings of the International Conference on Changing Cities II: Spatial, Design, Landscape & Socio-economic Dimensions, – Ano 2015
Autores desta publicação
- BORGES, Júnia – Júnia Lúcio de Castro Borges - Ex-Bolsista de Doutorado
- JANKOWSKI, Piotr – Prof. Piotr Leslaw Jankowski - Professor, Sub-Coordenador Projeto MPOT
- DAVIS JR, Clodoveu – Prof. Clodoveu Augusto Davis Júnior - Professor, Sub-Coordenador Projeto MPOT
Resumo da publicação
Social Media have become an ordinary place for citizens. The popularity of social media affords a great opportunity to investigate how citizens experience landscape, how they feel about it, and what is its impact over citizens. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have become an important source to support decision making as the use of geospatial technologies enables the construction of complex databases, quick access to data, and development of predictive scenarios. Combination of both has been called crowdsourced mapping and represents a propitious opportunity for their integrated study. In this paper we aim to evaluate contributed versus volunteered crowdsourced geotagged information. As case study we analyze information about the FIFA WorldCup (Brazil, June and July 2014) and Instagram’s information from Pampulha Region in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, to show the analytical potential of contributed information. We seek to get prepared and inspired to identify possibilities to study landscape and its essential urban values reported by users of the analyzed area according to the stakeholder point of view.
Abstract (english text)
Social Media have become an ordinary place for citizens. The popularity of social media affords a great opportunity to investigate how citizens experience landscape, how they feel about it, and what is its impact over citizens. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) have become an important source to support decision making as the use of geospatial technologies enables the construction of complex databases, quick access to data, and development of predictive scenarios. Combination of both has been called crowdsourced mapping and represents a propitious opportunity for their integrated study. In this paper we aim to evaluate contributed versus volunteered crowdsourced geotagged information. As case study we analyze information about the FIFA WorldCup (Brazil, June and July 2014) and Instagram’s information from Pampulha Region in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, to show the analytical potential of contributed information. We seek to get prepared and inspired to identify possibilities to study landscape and its essential urban values reported by users of the analyzed area according to the stakeholder point of view.