Geotechnologies in management of conflicts of interests in urban areas
Proceedings of the International Conference on Changing Cities II: Spatial, Design, Landscape & Socio-economic Dimensions – Ano 2015
Autores desta publicação
- MOURA, Ana Clara M. – Prof. Ana Clara Mourão Moura - COORDENADORA
- Carsalade, Flávio – Prof. Flávio Lemos Carsalade - Professor, Ex-colaborador Proj QF
- Noronha, Anna Clara S. – Anna Clara da Silva Noronha - Ex-Bolsista CNPq Projeto Quadrilátero
- ACCIOLY, Sabrina
Resumo da publicação
The occupation of the interior of Brazil happened because of mining resources, in a territory called “Quadrilátero Ferrifero”, that until today is a mining area, specially in iron exploitation in open pit caves, and gold in underground mines. This economy was responsible for developing the urban network with concentration of occupancy in urban areas surrounded by mining activities, in a complex landscape with conflicts of interests. The interest in landscape protection and planning is still very new, and the study proposes a methodological framework, based on geodesign, to characterize, analyse and to identify values which can translate the essence of the landscape in the area. The framework is based on representation, classification of satellite images, topographic and hydro resources representation, process and evaluation models, that composes a first portrait of the reality to give support to decision making in policies to maintain the essence of the landscape.
Abstract (english text)
The occupation of the interior of Brazil happened because of mining resources, in a territory called “Quadrilátero Ferrifero”, that until today is a mining area, specially in iron exploitation in open pit caves, and gold in underground mines. This economy was responsible for developing the urban network with concentration of occupancy in urban areas surrounded by mining activities, in a complex landscape with conflicts of interests. The interest in landscape protection and planning is still very new, and the study proposes a methodological framework, based on geodesign, to characterize, analyse and to identify values which can translate the essence of the landscape in the area. The framework is based on representation, classification of satellite images, topographic and hydro resources representation, process and evaluation models, that composes a first portrait of the reality to give support to decision making in policies to maintain the essence of the landscape.