Crowdmap applied to Geoturism: Case Study of Chapada Diamantina BA - Brazil
INPUT 2016 – Torino (e-agorà|e-aγορά for the transition toward resilient communities). – Ano 2016
Autores desta publicação
- CASAGRANDE, Pedro – Prof. Pedro Benedito Casagrande - Prof. Escola de Minas UFMG
- Rocha, Nicole – Profa. Nicole Andrade da Rocha - Profa. Faculdade Metodista Granbery - JF
- Paula, Priscila Lisboa – Priscila Lisboa de Paula - Ex-Bolsista Iniciação Científica
- MOURA, Ana Clara M. – Prof. Ana Clara Mourão Moura - COORDENADORA
Resumo da publicação
With the development and internet access large-scale, to use means to have access to information has become everyday practice, especially through mobile computing , either through smartphones or tablets, enabling real-time user interaction with the surroundings. Social media has become easily accessible and popular for citizens who feel encouraged to experiment and interact with digital media. Furthermore, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) allow these interactions were geotagged enabling collecting information on the user location, preferences among other things, to allow preparation and analysis of complex data by providing knowledge of the environments.
Abstract (english text)
With the development and internet access large-scale, to use means to have access to information has become everyday practice, especially through mobile computing , either through smartphones or tablets, enabling real-time user interaction with the surroundings. Social media has become easily accessible and popular for citizens who feel encouraged to experiment and interact with digital media. Furthermore, Geographic Information Systems (GIS) allow these interactions were geotagged enabling collecting information on the user location, preferences among other things, to allow preparation and analysis of complex data by providing knowledge of the environments.