Optimization, Dynamization and Visualization in the use of LIDAR Data in Pampulha, Belo Horizonte: from Desktop to Spatial Database
Revista Brasileira de Cartografia – Ano 2017
Autores desta publicação
- Freitas, Christian R. – Christian Rezende Freitas - Pesquisador projeto Geodesign
- MOURA, Ana Clara M. – Prof. Ana Clara Mourão Moura - COORDENADORA
Resumo da publicação
Acesso em:
Freitas, Christian R., Moura, Ana Clara M. Optimization, Dynamization and Visualization in the use of LIDAR Data in Pampulha, Belo Horizonte: from Desktop to Spatial Database. Revista Brasileira de Cartografia (2017), No 69/8, Edição Especial “Geovisualização, mídias sociais e participação cidadã: apoio à representação, análise e gestão da paisagem”: 1402-1416.
Sociedade Brasileira de Cartografia, Geodésia, Fotogrametria e Sensoriamento Remoto
ISSN: 1808-0936
Abstract (english text)
The users of geoinformation have been given the opportunity to work with impressive amount of data with some good quality, but it demands knowledge to handle complex and robust collection of information. At the same time the demand for quick answers and analysis requires dynamic cartography capable of execute processes with agility for immediate update of outputs. Together with the improvement of the data quality and the need of fast information production the legal issues is also developed, progressing from the frst steps of the Spatial Data Infrastructure to a services access, via internet, which change data into information, favoring the knowledge production. It is for this scenario that the paper presents as objective to propose a methodology based on database and not only on Geographic Information Systems. It represents contribution as critical reflections and introduction of a methodology for handling high resolution information extracted from orthophotos and altimetry from LiDAR data. It presents the case study of the modeling to assess vegetation and buildings´ volumes in Pampulha region, in the city of Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais State. The focus is to demonstrate to users of desktop applications based on GIS software, that nowadays are the majority among users of geoinformation technologies, that it is possible to change to the construction of spatial analyzes using the logic of database, in applications of free access, and with significant gains in the handling of large amounts of data and the need to apply routines. In this sense, it is an interface between the era of desktop information technology represented by large commercial software and the era of ETL and database logics. The use of spatial geodatabase logics and ETL tools (extract, transform and load) are proposed and tested to improve the performance in terms of time, technical team demand and information security. It numerically proves the performance improvement and contextualizes the process regarding the state-of-art of geoinformation technologies.