SDI as a Corporate Tool and Sharing Instrument: Datageo’s Role in São Paulo’s Environmental System
Revista Brasileira de Cartografia – Ano 2017
Autores desta publicação
- Freitas, Christian R. – Christian Rezende Freitas - Pesquisador projeto Geodesign
- Freitas, Charles R.
- Ohata, Arlete Tieko
- Rocha, Gláucio Almeida
Resumo da publicação
Freitas, Christian R., Freitas, Charles R., Ohata, Arlete T., Rocha, Gláucio A. SDI as a Corporate Tool and Sharing Instrument: Datageo’s Role in São Paulo’s Environmental System. Revista Brasileira de Cartografia (2017), No 69/8, Edição Especial “Geovisualização, mídias sociais e participação cidadã: apoio à representação, análise e gestão da paisagem”: 1442-1455.
Sociedade Brasileira de Cartografia, Geodésia, Fotogrametria e Sensoriamento Remoto
ISSN: 1808-0936
Abstract (english text)
This paper aims to present a description of the DataGEO project, São Paulo’s environmental SDI (Spatial Data Infrastructure), discussing the guidelines used to develop the design and implementation in São Paulo’s environmental systems. The text includes the issues around the NSDI’s (National Spatial Data Infrastructure) guidelines and the choices made throughout the project, influenced by the specifics of a thematic environmental SDI and the processes observed in the functioning of SMA-SP (Environmental Secretary, State of São Paulo). Thus, DataGEO expands the SDI’s use presenting a platform that may be used not only as a solution for the sharing of spatial data with the public, but also as a proposed solution to attend corporate GIS within large organizations. The paper presents the implementation process and the technological challenges, in addition to discussing new ways of accessing geospatial information based on WebGIS, in which the interoperability and sharing of data helps and supports spatial planning. The authors point to the importance of how a proposition for a platform allowing the integration of information coming from multiple sources through institutional agreements may improve access, usage, sharing and understanding data for group decisions.