A Didactic Experience on the Use of a Parametric Tool for Multicriteria Analysis in Planning Education

DisegnareCon – Ano 2018

Autores desta publicação

  • Motta, Silvio Romero Fonseca – Prof. Silvio Romero Fonseca Motta - Professor, Pesquisador Geodesign MP
  • SALGADO, Marina
  • BITTENCOURT, Eduardo Moutinho Ramalho
  • SOUSA, Guilherme Tavares Muzzi – Guilherme Tavares Muzzi de Souza - Estudante PUCMinas, colaborador pesquisa
  • OLIVEIRA, Jessye Ariane Gomes
  • Palavras-chave: didactic methodologies; urban design; multicriteria analysis; parametric tool; architecture and urban planning

Resumo da publicação

MOTTA, Silvio Romero Fonseca; SALGADO, Marina; BITTENCOURT, Eduardo Moutinho Ramalho; SOUZA, Guilherme Tavares Muzzi; OLIVEIRA, Jessye Ariane Gomes. A Didactic Experience on the Use of a Parametric Tool for Multicriteria Analysis in Planning Education. DisegnareCon, v.11, n. 20, 2018. p. 16.1 - 16.8.

Available in: http://disegnarecon.univaq.it/ojs/index.php/disegnarecon/article/view/384

Abstract (english text)

This paper presents the experience of use parametric tool for generate synthesis maps of multicriteria analysis in Urban Design courses of the Undergraduate Program in Architecture and Urban Planning at Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais. The tool was made in Grasshopper and its interface in Human UI. The urban data were previously treated in ArcGIS. The maps generated were used in urban design assignments, supporting qualitative analysis for simulation of scenario to urban design. The study area was the Pampulha region in the city of Belo Horizonte, Brazil. As results, the paper discusses the pros and cons of the parametric tool which has been developed as well as the use of multicriteria analysis in urban design, focused on intra-urban and neighborhood scales.

Autores do laboratório

  • Prof. Silvio Romero Fonseca Motta
    Prof. Silvio Romero Fonseca Motta
    Professor, Pesquisador Geodesign MP
  • Guilherme Tavares Muzzi de Souza
    Guilherme Tavares Muzzi de Souza
    Estudante PUCMinas, colaborador pesquisa