From the logic of desktop to web services applications in GIS. The construction of basic evaluation maps to support urban planning and co-design
Environmental and territorial modelling for planning and design – Ano 2018
Autores desta publicação
- Rocha, Nicole Andrade – Profa. Nicole Andrade da Rocha - Profa. Faculdade Metodista Granbery - JF
- MOURA, Ana Clara M. – Prof. Ana Clara Mourão Moura - COORDENADORA
- BALLAL, Hrishikesh
- FREITAS, Christian Rezende – Christian Rezende Freitas - Pesquisador projeto Geodesign
- Neteler, Markus
Resumo da publicação
Design planning in cities in collaborative approach requires holistic thinking about urban space. It is important to recognize specificities of the territory and to understand that cities are complex ecosystems. Cities can be represented by models that are portraits of reality, according to spatial, temporal, conceptual and methodological simplifications. Using models, it is possible to select main variables and parameters of the place, to identify relations among them, and compose structures that represent main characteristics, vulnerabilities, attractiveness, and essence of the place. Our goal of the research was to produce of a minimum collection of spatial data in urban areas, to be used as basis for master plans and site management. The study proposes the use of free access data, reached in data warehouses by scripts, based on web map services, and automatically construct evaluation maps to be used in geodesign studies. Using evaluation models, the participants design the future of the place. We constructed scripts to produce a group of first data and evaluation systems, about themes that are used in the majority of the case studies (green systems, transportation system, urban system and, agriculture system), so that any user can have access to dynamic data, produced by demand using the most recent information available in data warehouses. In this sense, users don’t need to be GIS experts, but only GIS consumers, only freely accessible data will be used, and the municipalities will be able to have a minimum collection of dynamic evaluation models about their realities.
Como citar:
Rocha, N.A., Mourão Mourão, A.C., Ballal, H., Rezende, C., & Neteler, M. (2018). From the logic of desktop to web services applications in GIS. The construction of basic evaluation maps to support urban planning and co-design. In A. Leone & C. Gargiulo (Eds.), Environmental and territorial modelling for planning and design. (pp. 687-703). Naples: FedOAPress. ISBN: 978-88-6887-048-5, doi: 10.6093/978-88-6887-048-5
Para livro completo:
Abstract (english text)
Design planning in cities in collaborative approach requires holistic thinking about urban space. It is important to recognize specificities of the territory and to understand that cities are complex ecosystems. Cities can be represented by models that are portraits of reality, according to spatial, temporal, conceptual and methodological simplifications. Using models, it is possible to select main variables and parameters of the place, to identify relations among them, and compose structures that represent main characteristics, vulnerabilities, attractiveness, and essence of the place. Our goal of the research was to produce of a minimum collection of spatial data in urban areas, to be used as basis for master plans and site management. The study proposes the use of free access data, reached in data warehouses by scripts, based on web map services, and automatically construct evaluation maps to be used in geodesign studies. Using evaluation models, the participants design the future of the place. We constructed scripts to produce a group of first data and evaluation systems, about themes that are used in the majority of the case studies (green systems, transportation system, urban system and, agriculture system), so that any user can have access to dynamic data, produced by demand using the most recent information available in data warehouses. In this sense, users don’t need to be GIS experts, but only GIS consumers, only freely accessible data will be used, and the municipalities will be able to have a minimum collection of dynamic evaluation models about their realities.
Rocha, N.A., Mourão Mourão, A.C., Ballal, H., Rezende, C., & Neteler, M. (2018). From the logic of desktop to web services applications in GIS. The construction of basic evaluation maps to support urban planning and co-design. In A. Leone & C. Gargiulo (Eds.), Environmental and territorial modelling for planning and design. (pp. 687-703). Naples: FedOAPress. ISBN: 978-88-6887-048-5, doi: 10.6093/978-88-6887-048-5
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