Modelagem dinâmica de combinação de variáveis por multicritérios: emprego de modelo paramétrico e algoritmo genético no estudo da área de patrimônio mundial reconhecido pela UNESCO na Pampulha,
Gestão e Tecnologia de Projetos – Ano 2019
Autores desta publicação
- Motta, Silvio R. F. – Prof. Silvio Romero Fonseca Motta - Professor, Pesquisador Geodesign MP
- Moura, Ana Clara – Prof. Ana Clara Mourão Moura - COORDENADORA
- Ribeiro, Suellen R. – Suellen Roquete Ribeiro - Pesquisadora Convidada
Resumo da publicação
The present paper surveys dynamic models of multicriteria to combine variables using parametric model and genetic algorithm as a method of changing the adequacy level of variables in a multicriteria analysis (MCA). The aim is to simulate if-then scenarios of territorial occupation of commerce, housing and green areas. The case study is a MCA for the buffer zone of the modern assembly of Niemeyer in Pampulha region, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, declared World Heritage by UNESCO. The parametric model was developed in Grasshopper software. The level of adequacy of the territorial units to characterize attractiveness and vulnerabilities to land use change was defined by “knowledge-driven” in the layers: Safety Risks; Fragility in Infrastructure; Bus Stop; and Centralities due to Interaction Potential. The land use change simulation “if-then” was defined by “objective-driven”. The simulation due the use of fitness-function in genetic algorithm, with the goal to achieve the best distribution of land use changes. The fitness function seeks the results of the use of the territory in a more equitable way, considering the attractiveness and vulnerabilities defined by the characteristics of the neighborhoods (centralities, transportation, security and weaknesses in infrastructure). The parametric model generates “if-then” simulation, changing the land use (commerce, housing or vegetation), which results in new levels of adequacy, and calculates the index of suitability for each territorial unit (the lot) with the best situation to the objective of the fitness-function
Como citar/how to mention:
MOTTA, Silvio R. F.; MOURA, Ana Clara M.; ROBEIRO, Suellen R. Modelagem dinâmica de combinação de variáveis por multicritérios: emprego de modelo paramétrico e algoritmo genético no estudo da área de patrimônio mundial reconhecido pela UNESCO na Pampulha, Brasil. Gestão e Tecnologia de Projetos, São Carlos, v.14, n.1, p.142-159, set.2019.
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