Dam Break and Human Disaster: Córrego do Feijão, Brumadinho, MG
ICCSA 2020, Springer – Ano 2020
Autores desta publicação
- CASAGRANDE, Pedro B. – Prof. Pedro Benedito Casagrande - Prof. Escola de Minas UFMG
- PARISI, Maria Giovana
- MOURA, Ana Clara M. – Prof. Ana Clara Mourão Moura - COORDENADORA
- CAMARGOS, Lourdes M. – Lourdes Manresa Camargos - Ex-Aluna de Mestrado
- Zyngier, Camila Marques – Prof. Camila Marques Zyngier - Professora, Pesquisadora Geodesign
- DA SILVA, Viviane
- SILVA, Gilbert R.
Resumo da publicação
Como citar:
CASAGRANDE, Pedro Benedito ; PARISI, Maria Giovana ; MOURA, Ana Clara Mourão ; CAMARGOS, Lourdes Manresa ; ZYNGIER, Camila Marques; DA SILVA Borges Barbosa, Viviane ; MAGALHÃES, Danilo Marques ; SILVA, Gilberto Rodrigues . Dam Break and Human Disaster: Córrego do Feijão, Brumadinho, MG. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.: Springer International Publishing, 2020, v. 12255, p. 855-863.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-58820-5_61
Abstract (english text)
The study area was surrounding Córrego do Feijão Mine, located in the city of Brumadinho/MG, Brazil. From this proposal, we present the analysis of the effect of disruption of one of the tailings dams of the Córrego do Feijão Mine, which took place in January 2019, under the responsibility of Vale S.A. The rupture culminated in mud flow. A study and characterization of the area was made, to understand the flow of the waters, and consequently, the mud. In addition, it was possible to obtain information on the land use of the area before and after the break using remote sensing (Sentinel-2A) supervised image classification. Through a spatial and temporal analysis, it was estimated that the mud reached a total of 2.48 km2, being the class of robust vegetation the most affected by the disaster in numerical terms. The typology of anthropic areas, despite being the smallest area hit by mud, was the one that suffered the greatest impact. The importance of an analysis of the elements that belong in the area of study and how they behave, in order to avoid and mitigate situations of vulnerability is considered very important. Finally, it is emphasized the relevance of a spatial planning studies that considers the integrated planning between the juxtaposition of human activities, social and spatial relations and their various impacts on the landscape.