Use of Landscape Metrics and Multi-criteria Analysis to Identify Landscape Units Concerning of Vegetation of Quadrilátero Ferrífero - MG.
ICCSA 2020, Springer – Ano 2020
Autores desta publicação
- CAMARGOS, Lourdes M. – Lourdes Manresa Camargos - Ex-Aluna de Mestrado
- Rocha, Nicole A. – Profa. Nicole Andrade da Rocha - Profa. Faculdade Metodista Granbery - JF
- MOURA, Ana Clara M. – Prof. Ana Clara Mourão Moura - COORDENADORA
Resumo da publicação
Como citar: CAMARGOS, Lourdes Manresa ; ROCHA, Nicole Andrade ; MOURA, Ana Clara Mourão . Use of Landscape Metrics and Multi-criteria Analysis to Identify Landscape Units Concerning of Vegetation of Quadrilátero Ferrífero - MG. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 1ed.: Springer International Publishing, 2020, v. 12253, p. 381-393.
Abstract (english text)
This article had the main objective to identify Landscape Unities corresponding to the vegetation in the Quadrilátero Ferrífero area, in Minas Gerais. The study looks to contribute with the identification of homogeneous areas in the shape of territorial unities, for the composition of methods about the territorial strategic planning. For this, nuclear area landscape metrics were used, shape index and fractal connectivity, identified as the main metrics which depict quality and vegetation fractal embrittlement condition. Afterward, a Multicriterial Analysis by Evidence Weight according to the priority level for each metric, for integration of the analysis and identification of the greater values fractal bearing in mind the three aspects. As a result, two main unities were obtained: notable vegetation landscape; and vegetation with a higher vulnerability to transformation. Was observed a concentration of notable landscapes of vegetation on the central and southeast Quadrilatero’s areas, mainly at the Serra do Gandarela, Serra da Moeda and Serra do Caraça. In counterpart, the areas corresponding to the south and north of the Quadrilatero, besides being closer to the urban centers, has shown to be more likely to be transformed due to the isolation of the fragments. Stem from this analysis, the importance of the Conservation Units maintenance is bolstered, which are fundamental to the natural resource’s protection. The landscape metrics is rated as an important tool of landscape analysis through pattern identification and the understanding of the dynamics of a geographic region. At last, the multicriteria analysis is understood as an important tool for supporting the decision making, being able to evaluate different variables to obtain interest rankings, in agreement with the demanded objectives.