The Social Dimensions of the Iron Quadrangle Region: An Educational Experience in Geodesign
The Professional Geographer – Ano 2021
Autores desta publicação
- Haddad, Mônica A. – Profa. Mônica Amaral Haddad - Professor, Pesquisadora Proj. Geodesign
- MOURA, Ana Clara M. – Prof. Ana Clara Mourão Moura - COORDENADORA
- COOK, Vivian
- Lima, Thiago L. – Thiago Lima e Lima - Ex-monitor de Graduação
Resumo da publicação
Mining brings about positive and negative changes for the residents of regions that are heavily dependent on such economic
activity. In Brazil, the so-called Iron Quadrangle fits within a complex regional arrangement that results in various conflicts
of interest between different stakeholders, which complicates decision-making processes regarding mining activities. In this
article, we introduce geodesign as a methodological approach that could efficiently contribute to mediating these challenges
and conflicts. We present an educational experience in geodesign conducted within the framework of a minicourse offered in
2019 to undergraduate students at a Brazilian university. The experience illustrates how students were able to use the framework of geodesign to propose projects and policies to be included in a sustainable development master plan for the Iron
Quadrangle region. Specifically, to examine the social dimensions at play in an iron mining region, students applied Steinitz’s
geodesign framework, premised on six main questions and six corresponding models. This case study contributes to the
emerging literature on geodesign pedagogy by demonstrating the benefits of this process and proposing recommendations
that are applicable not only in academia but also in real-world situations that would truly benefit from such an approach.
Como citar: Mônica A. Haddad, Ana Clara Mourão Moura, Vivian M. Cook & Thiago Lima e Lima (2021): The Social Dimensions of the Iron Quadrangle Region: An Educational Experience in Geodesign, The Professional Geographer, Volume 73, Issue 3, 2021, pp. 504-520. DOI: 10.1080/00330124.2021.1895849
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